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Earthquake Scenarios

The twenty earthquake scenarios listed below represent credible earthquakes for Utah based on the most active earthquake faults sources, as well as locations of historical earthquakes. The information and potential impacts associated with these scenarios may help communities throughout Utah be better prepared for and mitigate future damaging earthquakes.

The worst-case scenario analyzed is based on a M 7.0 earthquake along the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault. This scenario exposes most of Utah’s population to very strong ground shaking.


These scenarios are based on loss modeling provided by Hazus-MH and ground motion modeling (ShakeMaps) provided by the University of Utah Seismograph Stations which are viewable by clicking here. The Hazus analysis and products were prepared by FEMA Region VIII working with the Utah Division of Emergency Management.

The scenarios include information from the Utah Geological Survey (UGS), the Salt Lake City/County Assessor’s Office, and the Structural Engineers Association of Utah.

A detailed assessment of the geologic hazards associated with a M 7.0 earthquake on the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault is provided by the UGS located here.


Losses in twenty scenario earthquakes have been estimated and are listed to the right. The locations for each are shown on this map.

Click on the magnitude in the chart to the right to view the ShakeMap. Click the "X" in the top right corner of the ShakeMap to return to the area map.



Scenario Name
(Click to download report)
Magnitude (Click to view ShakeMap) Building Losses ($) Severe Casualties Displaced Households
Anderson Junction / Hurricane Segment 7.4 $1.2B 32 - 77 1,034
Ash Creek Segment 6.9 $132M 0 - 1 62
Bountiful 6.5 $4.2B 95 - 126 6,118
Brigham City Segment-Wasatch 7.0 $2.2B 74 - 102 2,728
Cache Valley 5.7 $37M 0 4
Cedar City Segment 6.6 $115M 0 - 1 73
Collinston Segment-Wasatch 6.8 $474M 17 - 20 366
Great Salt Lake 7.0 $1.7B 7 - 12 660
Hansel Valley 6.6 $12M 0 0
Magna 5.2 $142M 0 5
Nephi Segment-Wasatch 6.9 $1.1B 36 - 81 627
Ogden 6.5 $2.7B 102 - 137 4,569
Provo Segment-Wasatch 7.2 $11.3B 826 - 1,679 14,675
1901 Richfield 6.5 $160M 2 - 6 56
Salt Lake City Segment-Wasatch 7.0 $35.4B 3,490 - 4,408 97,700
San Rafael Swell 5.3 $0.3M 0 0
Taylorsville 6.0 $3.3B 45 - 46 5,497
Tooele County 6.5 $533M 5 - 6 325
Washington 6.5 $404M 4 - 14 325
Weber Segment-Wasatch 7.0 $11.4B 582 - 1,001 20,175

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
Be Ready UtahThe Great Utah ShakeOut