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West Virginia

The Great SouthEast ShakeOut is a multi-state earthquake drill spanning much of the southeastern United States. ShakeOut activities for West Virginia are supported by West Virginia Emergency Management Division. Earthquake information for West Virginia is provided below.

WV Emergency Management Division Logo

Points of Contact

West Virginia Emergency Management Division
GE McCabe, Director, (304) 558-5380

Matthew Blackwood, Preparedness Section Chief, (304) 558-5380

Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region III
Kristen Jones, FEMA REGION III, (267) 896-1116


people are currently registered to participate in this year's Great SouthEast ShakeOut Drill.

are from West Virginia

Number of West Virginia participants in each category

View names of participants:


USGS West Virginia Earthquake Webpage

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
The Great SouthEast ShakeOut