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How To Participate and Prepare

There are many ways for individuals, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, community groups, scouts, and others to participate in the ShakeOut, to get prepared for earthquakes, and to share what you're doing with others so they can do the same. The links below have customized ideas for what you or your organization can do.

Basic Guidance for Each Participation Category (PDF)

Generic flyer for all categories

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Drill Manuals, Multimedia, Flyers, and many other resources are available for your use

Drill Manuals and Other Planning Documents

Powerpoints for leading ShakeOut Drills (Online or In-Person)
For grades K-4, grades 5-12, higher education, and all other organizations; plus a version in Spanish)

ShakeAlert® Tests, Drills and Exercises Toolkit

NEW! ShakeAlert® Tests, Drills and Exercises Toolkit
The US Geological Survey (USGS)-managed ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning System – in collaboration with academic, government, technical, emergency management, and community partners – is committed to educating the public about protective actions that can mitigate harm from earthquake hazards when shaking is expected. To advance this goal, the USGS has developed this ShakeAlert Tests, Drills, and Exercises Toolkit to incorporate earthquake early warning (EEW) into existing training activities including the Great ShakeOut.


ShakeOut Drill Manual for Businesses (PDF)
ShakeOut Drill Manual for Non Profits and Other Organizations (PDF)
Countdown to ShakeOut for Organizations (English | Other Languages)
Benefits to Participating Businesses (PDF)
Earthquake Safety in Stores (English | Other Languages)
Seven Steps to a Resilient Workplace
Disaster Resilient Business Toolkit
QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program

Schools and Childcare

K-12 Schools Drill Planning, Educational, and Preparedness Resources
Earthquake Safety For Parents and Care Providers of Young Children and Infants (English | Other Languages)

Higher Education

Registration Guidelines and Participation Resources for Higher Education Institutions

Museums, Parks, Libraries, and other Free-Choice Learning Institutions

Guidance, coordination, and extensive resources from ShakeAlert®


ShakeOut Drill Manual for Government Agencies and Facilities (PDF)
Options for Government Agency Participation and Outreach (PDF)


ShakeOut Resources for Healthcare Organizations
Includes Suggestions for having your Shakeout participation count towards Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services Emergency Preparedness Rule

People with Disabilities and Other Access or Functional Needs

Earthquake Country Alliance documents, videos, and graphics for Seniors and People with Disabilities


Prepare to survive and recover with the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
Protect yourself during an earthquake: Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
Recommended Earthquake Safety Actions (including situations when you cannot get beneath a table) (English | Other Languages)

Over 81,000 participants registered
203 days until the 2025 Oregon ShakeOut
© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
The Great Oregon ShakeOut