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Great Oregon ShakeOut: Earthquake Preparedness and Response Training

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October 17, 2013, 7 - 8:30 pm, Community Event at Hilyard Community Center

Event Location:
Hilyard Community Center
2580 Hilyard St, Eugene, OR 97405
Eugene, OR 97405 (Map)

Event Contact:
Heather Sielicki, Southeast Neighbors,, 541-579-4407

Full Description:
Join Southeast Neighbors, Friendly Area Neighbors (FAN) and our Southeast Community Emergency Response team for an educational and informative evening that just may save your life.

Find out what to do when an earthquake strikes our area
Prepare an emergency supply kit
Discover the 9 steps to take following a disaster
Learn gas and fire safety to protect your family and property
Participate in a Drop! Cover! Hold on! Earthquake Drill
Meet your local Community Emergency Response Team

When: Thursday, October 17, 2013 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Where: Hilyard Community Center at 2580 Hilyard St, Eugene, OR 97405

Major earthquakes may happen anywhere you live, work, or travel. The ShakeOut is our chance to practice how to protect ourselves, and for everyone to become prepared. The goal is to prevent a major earthquake from becoming a catastrophe for you, your family, and our community. Please contact us to RSVP. Seating is limited to 100 attendees.

© 2024 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
The Great Oregon ShakeOut