The Great NorthEast ShakeOut is a multi-state earthquake drill spanning nine states of the northeast United States. Earthquake information for Maine is below.
State ShakeOut Organizer
Maine Emergency Management Agency
Maine Prepares Website:
Regional ShakeOut Coordinator
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region I
Thierry Alkhal, (202) 568-4615
people are currently registered to participate in this year's Great NorthEast ShakeOut.
are from Maine
Number of Maine registrants in each category
View names of registrants:
Earthquake Information for Maine
United States Geological Survey
Recent Earthquakes in the Northeast
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Maine Earthquake History
United States Geological Survey
Earthquake Information for the Northeast
Northeast States Emergency Consortium
Earthquakes In and Near the Northeastern United States, 1638-1998
United States Geological Survey
Cape Ann earthquake of 1755
United States Geological Survey
Why Does the Earth Quake in New England?
Weston Observatory, Boston College