April 28, 2011, 3:30 - 4:30 pm, ShakeOut Week event at Newburg Children's Museum
Event Location:
Newburg Children's Museum
120-B Water St.
Newburg, MO 65550 (Map)
Contact Person:
Dr. Elizabeth teGroen, Director/Curator , eftegroen@embarqmail.com, 573-762-3077
Neil Elfrink, a geologist with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, will teach children and adults about earthquake hazard in Missouri. Attendees will participate in a ShakeOut exercise and view the grand prize winning video submitted to DNR by Ballwin, Missouri 7th Grade Students: http://www.youtube.com/shakeoutmissouri#p/c/E490CB18E9171547/0/YmDGN1X6-WU
Full Description:
As part of the Museum's After-School Program, Neil Elfrink, a geologist with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Division of Geology and Land Survey, will teach children and adults about earthquake hazard in Missouri. Attendees will participate in a ShakeOut exercise and view the grand prize winning video submitted to DNR by Ballwin, Missouri 7th Grade Students: http://www.youtube.com/shakeoutmissouri#p/c/E490CB18E9171547/0/YmDGN1X6-WU