This year's International ShakeOut Day is , when millions of people worldwide will participate in earthquake drills at work, school, or home!
At (local time) on , you can join millions of people across California practicing earthquake safety. While we encourage you to participate with everyone, you can register your ShakeOut drill for any day of the year, and drill at a time of your choice. You can also include people in multiple locations through video conferencing.
Start here to be included in the 2025 Great California ShakeOut!
ShakeOut en Español
ShakeOut Participant Update Newsletters
How to Participate
Information for individuals, schools and many types of organizations
ShakeOut Participant Resources
"Drill Broadcast" recordings and scripts, manuals, earthquake safety videos, posters, graphics, and much more
Media / PIO Resources
B-Roll, PSAs, Drill Broadcasts, Web resources, Key Messages, Media Venues, and more.
Participants in 2023
Total: 10.2 Million
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