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You can see photos from this year's (and last year's) ShakeOut drill online and share yours with others!

Tell Us Your Story!

After the ShakeOut, please share what you did during your drill. You can also share your stories (anytime) about what you've experienced during and after an earthquake or what you have done or are doing to prepare. Your stories may be shared on our website and you may be invited to speak to others about your experience.

Thank you!

First Name:
Last Name:




Drill Venue (if applicable):




Share Your Story Here:

May we share this story on our website?

©2025 SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center @ USC
Step 1: Secure it now! Step 2: Make a plan Step 3: Make disaster kits Step 4: Is your place safe? Step 5: Drop, Cover, and Hold On Step 6: Check it out! Step 7: Communicate and recover!