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ShakeOut Videos

Below you can find short videos about the Shakeout, Drop, Cover, and Hold On, preparedness, and earthquake science.

For drill broadcast videos, go to the drill broadcasts page.

2015 California ShakeOut

PSAs made by KTXL Fox40 as part of California Earthquake Authority's marketing support for ShakeOut.
The video scan be downloaded to be played by other stations and by participants.

30 seconds (shown above) from KTXL/FOX40.
15 seconds from KTXL/FOX40.
5 seconds from KTXL/FOX40.

Interview with Kathleen Springer, San Bernardino County Museum and Earthquake Country Alliance (courtesy Inland Empire Alive!)

ShakeOut Information in Sign Langauge, by Signing Families with Louise Sattler


During Earthquakes: Drop, Cover, and Hold On (5 videos)

Los Angeles County Firefighters demonstrate Drop, Cover, and Hold On
(Produced by Earthquake Country Alliance with filming by LACOFD)

What To Do In An Earthquake (Produced by New Zealand Get Thru)

"Drop, Cover, Hold On" from

Drop, Cover, Hold On demonstration and preparedness tips from CalOES and the American Red Cross

Drop, Cover, Hold On from PrepareTV, an online series by

Earthquake Science, Preparedness, and Mitigation (3 videos)

"Preparedness Now" was created by the USGS Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project in cooperation with the Designmatters program at Art Center College of Design to depict the physical, social, and economic consequences of the most comprehensive earthquake scenario ever created. The film by Art Center College graduate Theo Alexopoulos gives the viewers a sense of what could happen and inspires them to prepare and mitigate for a faster recovery. The film shows how design can bridge the divide between scientific understanding and public preparedness, empowering the public and to change their behavior.

    (To download, right-click (control-click on Mac) and choose "Save Target As..." "Download Linked File" or "Save Link as")

"Earthquake Science" produced by

"Earthquake Prevention and Preparedness in California" produced by EuroAmericanNews

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
The Great California ShakeOut