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Stories From The Alaska ShakeOut

Julie Bailey
(Senior Compliance Offier - Northrim Bank)

As we did in the March drill and again for the real earthquake recently, our available department members climbed under the table in the common area. This time I remembered to hold on. Afterward, we sat and discussed the possibility that we might not all be able to get to a common area, so we began planning for individual earthquake kits for each desk. We accessed the FEMA Critical Employee Emergency Planning Go-Kit Supply List and decided which items listed would be useful for our situation. Items we feel are important to include in each person's kit are: emergency space blankets, water, snacks, first aid items to deal with injuries, lists of personal contact numbers, extra cell phone batteries, flashlights, hats and gloves, change of underclothes, masks to filter dust or chemicals that are dislodged. Other items we might be able to put in a more central area would be plastic bags for waste, bucket and lid to serve as a toilet. My co-worker and I are going to hold each other accountable to get our kits together. We will leave it to the other employees to get their own kits together.

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© 2024 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
The Great Alaska ShakeOut